
Monday, August 15, 2011

Google Search Tips and Tricks (Part - 3)

  1. Specify a site to search with the site: modifier.
    For Example: operators
  2. The above tip works with directory sites like and dynamically generated sites.
  3. Access Google Directory – a database of handpicked and rated sites – at
  4. The Boolean operators intitle and inurl work in Google directory, as does OR.
  5. Use the site: modifier when searching Google Images, at
    For example: dvd recorder
  6. Read More!
  7. Similar, using "" will only return results from .com domains.
  8. Google News ( has its own Boolean parameters.
    For example "intext" pulls terms from the body of a story.
  9. If you use the operator "source" in Google News, you can pick specific archives.
    For example: heather mills source:daily_mail
  10. Using the "location:" filter enables you to return news from a chosen country.
    For example:  location:uk.
  11. Similarly, Google Blogsearch ( has its own syntax. You can search for a blog title.
    For example: eshikshak
  12. The general search engine can get very specific indeed.
    For example:  movie:surat to look for movie reviews.
  13. The modifier film: works just as well!
  14. Enter showtimes and Google will prompt you for your postcode. Enter it and it'll tell you when and where local films are showing.
  15. For a dedicated film search page, go to
  16. If you ticked "Remember this Location" when you searched for show times, the next time you can enter the name of a current film instead.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Dear Google Users(Seekers)

Let us all study about how to make effective use of Google search service. Being internet user i don't remember when i saw the Google search page for the very first time, might be in the year 2000 when i joined to the Computer Science Graduation Program-me.

Since then Google is the my favorite site over internet, because once you know how to use Google it becomes easy to be the king user to get information or data over Internet.

I always share the Google Search Tips and Tricks with my students, especially with the first year students. When the search technique are shared and discussed with them all the students  come out with the same statement "Oh Google Actually works like this".

Hope you all will also come out with the same statement, once you go with the Google Search Tips and Tricks.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Google Search Tips and Tricks (Part - 2)

  1. You can also ask Google to fill in a blank. For Example : Action are Reaction are *
  2. Search for a numerical range using the numrange operator.
    For example, search for LG TV between Rs 15000 and Rs 25000 with the string LG TV Rs15000..Rs25000
  3. Google recognises 13 main file types through advanced search, including all Microsoft Office Document types, Lotus, PostScript, Shockwave Flash and plain text files.
  4. Search for any filetype directly using the modifier filetype:[filetype extension].
    For example: soccer filetype:pdf
  5. Exclude entire file types, using the same Boolean syntax we used to exclude key words earlier:
    For Example: rugby -filetype:doc
  6. In fact, you can combine any Boolean search operators, as long as your syntax is correct.
    For Example: "sausage and mash" -onions filetype:doc
  7. Google has some very powerful, hidden search parameters, too.
    For Example "intitle" only searches page titles. Try intitle:herbs
  8. If you're looking for files rather than pages – give index of as the intitle:parameter. It helps you find web and FTP directories.
  9. The modifier inurl only searches the web address of a page:
    For Example : giveinurl:spices a go.
  10. Find live webcams by searching For Example: inurl:view/view.shtml
  11. The modifier inanchor is very specific, only finding results in text used in page links.
  12. Want to know how many links there are to a site? Try link:sitename
    For Example:
  13. Similarly, you can find pages that Google thinks are related in content, using the related: modifier.
    For Example :
  14. The modifier info:site_name returns information about the specified page.
  15. Alternatively, do a normal search then click the "Similar Pages" link next to a result.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Google Search Tips and Tricks (Part - 1)

All the internet users in a day atleast use Google to search the information over internet. Generally the information seeker will click on the first link of the first search page. 

I like the Google Search Page because its simple and easy to use. Lets start gooogling, so do perform following steps.

Google Home Page

  • Enter your search topic or words in the textbox.
  • Now are the two buttons below the text 
    • Google Search : On click of this button, within few fracations of seconds Google will submit you the list of links as per your search words submitted in the textbox.
    • "I am feeling lucky" button on the text box will take you to the first link on the first search result page.
  1. Google's main search invisibly combines search terms with the boolean construct "AND". When you enter smoke fire - it looks for smoke AND fire.
  2. To make Google search for smoke or fire, just type smoke OR fire.
  3. Instead of OR you can type the | symbol, like this : smoke | fire
  4. Boolean connectors like AND and OR are case sensitive. They must be upper case.
  5. Search for a specific term, then one keyword OR another by grouping them with parenthesis, like this : water(smoke OR fire)
  6. To look for phrase, put them in quotes : "there's no smoke without fire"
  7. Synonym search looks for words that mean similar things. Use the tilde symbol before your keyword, like this: ~eggplant
  8. Exclude specific key words with the minus operator, new param -ebay excludes all results from eBay
  9. Common words like I, and, then and if are ignored by Google. These are called "stop words"
  10. The plus operator makes sure stop words are included. Like: fish +and chips