
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Google Works on Your Mobile

Google SMS (Short Message Service) enables you to easily get precise answers to specialized queries from your mobile phone or device. Send your query as a text message and get cricket scores, Indian Railways train schedules & ticket status, horoscopes, movie showtime, restaurant information and more …all through SMS on your phone.. Just text. No links. No web pages. Simply the answers you’re looking to find.

Google Works on Your Mobile - SMS  to  9773300000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            9773300000      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

This service is free within india, for using this service you have to just pay for normal SMS, which you people are paying earlier with your mobile service provider.

To use this service you have to send your query on 9-77-33-00000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            9-77-33-00000      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Query structure and how to use this service. Demo on Google SMS.

How Google SMS is different with your local search engine like, as it claims that no one know india better than us. In my opinion, Google will beat all it’s competitor as it has a largest database and a lots of people are used to google, They have already marked their business or home with google map. Google will use that information to search the desired information.

Second, Google in providing cricket, Direction, stock, Trains schedule, flight information and a lots of other useful information on a simple SMS and on that Mobile phones that is not Android Based or not a business class phones.

Some Sample Queries are as follows

Search FeatureSample Query
Localpizza andheri east mumbai
Cricketcri, cricket score, cri ipl, cri icl, cri ranji
Directionsdirections chowpatty to nariman point
Railways PNR Statuspnr number
Train scheduletrain schedule 2926
Trains between stationstrain delhi to mumbai
Train seat availabilitytrain avail 1018 Bangalore to Mumbai on 24-04
Train faretrain fare 1018 Bangalore to Mumbai for SL
Business Searchrestaurants indiranagar banglore,
flowers vasant vihar, new delhi
Stock Quotesreliance stock
Commodity Pricesprice gold
Local timetime new york
Newsnews, news big b
Moviesmovies delhi
Flight statusit302
Definitiondefine inflation
Weatherweather delhi
Translationtranslate hello from english to french
Web Snippetsweb hubble telescope
Calculator5*10/5-4, 1 kilo in pounds
Currency Conversion5000 inr in usd
FactsGDP of india